Census Reports

1850 – 1900





Texas, even by 1820 had only a few thousand whites in the entire state. It was in the 1820s that settlers came from the southeastern states into what was still Mexican territory. By 1832 there were some 20,000 Americans in the state, mostly in the area from Houston to the Gulf.


In 1835, the Battle of Gonzales began the revolution against Mexico. In 1836, Texas had won its independence. The Republic of Texas existed from 1836 until 1845 when it became the 28th State. The first Federal Census was in 1850, but right after Texas became a state, there was an informal census taken in 1846.





MARY PUTMAN  Washington County

She is the widow of Reuben Putman. Reuben was a son of William Putman and Mary Mitchell of Union County South Carolina. Mary was Mary Putman daughter of William and Dulcy Putman of Abbeville County South Carolina. A marriage of cousins.


MITCHELL PUTMAN  St. Marks River, Gonzales County

Mitchell is a brother of Reuben, and a son of William Putman and Mary Mitchell. His wife, his second, is Rebecca Hall. Mitchell is, of course, from South Carolina. Rebecca will die shortly on June 10, 1846. He will marry Susannah Adams or Adkins September 26, 1847. She will die and he will then marry Mrs. Elizabeth Lloyd September 30, 1848. They are here in 1850.


WILLIAM PUTMAN  St. Marks River, Gonzales County

He is Mitchell's eldest son.


M. PUTMAN  Upshur County

I have a feeling this is Madison DeKalb Putman and his family working their way to Williamson County where they will be in 1850.





THOMAS R. PUTMAN  Caldwell County

This is Thomas Rogers Putman, son of Thomas Putman and Mary Barton of Hall County Georgia. He is 33 KY. His wife is Mary Adaline Flemming 23 AL. Kids are John 4 AR and Thomas R. 2 TX.


MITCHELL PUTMAN  St. Marks River, Gonzales County

He is listed as Michael. He is 50 TN (should be SC), Elizabeth Lloyd 40 TN and they have James 20 AL and Hencle (Henry) 5 TX at home.


WILLIAM PUTMAN  St. Marks River, Gonzales County

He is 30 TN, Elizabeth is 23 TN and they have William 4 TX and Jane 2 TX. He is Mitchell's eldest. Don’t have Elizabeth’s last name, but she will die around 1853-54, and he will then marry Adeline Gipson around 1856. She will be here in the 1860.


MARY PUTMAN  Washington County

She is still in Washington County but will move to Gonzales County in a few years. Reuben's widow is 45 SC and has William 22, Sanford 19, John 15 and Elizabeth 13. All were born in South Carolina. Her oldest daughter, Permelia Putman, is married to Redick P. Odom and is also living in Washington County where she is listed as being 23 SC.


MADISON PUTMAN  Williamson County

He is Madison DeKalb Putman, a son of Simeon Putman and Peggy Mercer. His father was from South Carolina and he was born in Monroe County Kentucky. He is 37 and his wife Olivia Catherine Davidson is 31 GA. They were married in Alabama and all the kids except the last one were born there. They are John 13, Margaret S. 11, Madison D. 9, Martha E. 6 and William H. 1.





W. (WILSEY) PUTMAN  Bell County

He is 24 SC and living with J.A. and C.E. Ewing from Tennessee. He would be Wilsey R. Putman, son of Nimrod Putman of Laurens County South Carolina. His brothers Hillen and Sanford are over in Colorado County Texas. Wilsey was at home in 1850. He will fight for the CSA and die at the Battle of Deep Bottom on July 24, 1864.



He is now 45 KY, Mary Flemming, his wife, 33 AL, John M. 14 AR, Thomas 12 TX, Elizabeth J. 8 TX, Mary 6 TX, Joseph B. 4 TX and William F. 2 TX.



He is 22 GA and a teacher living with R. F. Mitchell. He is a son of Willis Putman and Amanda Thompson of Hall County Georgia. Willis is a son of Thomas Putman who will be in Texas shortly himself with his fourth wife.



Hillen is 27 SC and Sanford Putman 25 SC. They are sons of Nimrod Putman and Sarah Dollar from Laurens County South Carolina. They are living with Henry and Nancy Robertson of South Carolina. Their sister Amanda married Milford Robertson so there is some connection here, but I don't have Nancy as their sister. Their brother Wilsey is in Bell County the rest of the family is back in South Carolina. Hillen will be here in 1870, but Sanford will be killed in the Battle of Val Verde in New Mexico in 1862.



James is 30 MO and George is 26 MO. They are living together. The only Putman in Missouri in 1830 was John in St. Louis, so these must be his children. And, I have a feeling that that John Putman was the one from Kentucky as mentioned in the Missouri Section.


G. (GEORGE) W. PUTNAM  El Paso County

He is 30 and a bookkeeper from New York. He has 6 others with him also born in New York. 4 were U.S.M. Conductors and 2 were stage drivers. Kinda sounds military prior to the Civil War??? Think he is the George who was in Elbridge, Onondaga New York again by his lonesome in 1850. A record states George was born in Onondaga County New York. He was by himself in Elbridge, Onondaga County New York in 1850. He married Harriet Gale October 2, 1854 in Lake County Ohio and they are in Belmont, Allegany County New York in 1865. They will be in Lake County Ohio in 1870.


R. PUTMAN  Grimes County

He is 35 from Georgia and a stage driver living in a hotel.


JAMES H. PUTMAN  Guadalupe County

He is 28 MO and his wife Maria Nichols is 32 TN. They have Sarah E. 5 and a daughter L. M. Nash 11. Maria must have been a widow. He is a son of Mitchell. He appears in Gonzales County in 1870 with the same daughter, Sarah then 15 and a new wife Eliza McGentry.


WILLIAM PUTMAN  Gonzales County

He is now 40, his 2nd wife Dulcena Adeline Gipson 30 IN, Sarah E.13, Mary Jane 11, Samuel H. 9, Eliza Rebecca 8, Angeline 6, Alice 3, James 2.


MARY PUTMAN  Gonzales County

She is Mary Putman (the Putman name is both her maiden and her married one), Reuben's widow. She is now 50 and has Sanford 24 and his wife Martha Mitchell 23 living with her.


LOANY PUTMAN  Gonzales County

She is Leana Caraway Carpenter, the 4th wife of Mitchell Putman. She is 36 SC. I don't know where Mitchell was, but he missed the census taker as he is still alive and well. She has her kids as well as his kids all mixed in. The Putmans seem to be Henry 15 (Hencle in 1850) and possibly John 13, the rest are Carpenters from her first marriage.


SARAH PUTMAN  Hopkins County

She is alone, 43 (47) NY. I can’t find this entry now. This should be Sarah Houghton, wife of Abraham Putman. She is indeed here in 1870 and 1880 with her kids though.



Simeon's son is now 50 KY, Catherine Davidson 45 GA, Madison Dekalb Junior 18 AL, Martha E. 16 AL, William H. 11 TX, Olivia 8 TX, Simeon 6 TX, Sarah C. 4 TX and Arizona Lee 1 TX.


J. PUTNAM  Red River County

He is listed 21 TN living with G. B. and Kitty Brem from NC. He is possibly the James Putman who married Sarah Belte on December 15, 1865 here in Red River County. I don't know who he is. In 1870, William James Putman and his family from Yell County Arkansas will be here, but this is not him as that whole family was in Yell County in 1860. I don't find anyone who fits out of the 1850 Tennessee census. Red River County is just over the Texas line from Southwest Arkansas, but I don't find anyone there in 1850 with the right 'specs.' Either. 


JOHN PUTMAN  Washington County

Reuben's son is single at 21 SC. He will marry Nancy Ann Petty in Gonzales County May 25, 1861. He is ‘missing’ in 1870, but will marry Sarah Jane McCausland on December 28, 1871 in Gonzales County.


WILLIAM PUTMAN  Washington County

Reuben's son William is 28 SC has a Mary 40? with him and also has his sister Elizabeth 20 and her husband M. F. Hayes 25 living with him. I believe that the Mary is his mother and the age is 60. Writing is poor and she is alive at the time, though she will die in about a year and a half.





HENRY PUTMAN  Bexar County

He is 24, and is a private 4th class at Fort Concho. He was born in Hanover, Germany.


MARY & GEORGE PUTMAN  Caldwell County

Mary 16 and George 7 are living with Oliver and Mary Bishop. They are Mary and Gerrie Price Putman orphans of Thomas Rogers and Mary Flemming Putman. Both parents had died in 1870. Gerry will be in Bell County in 1880 and then will head for El Paso.


H. (HILLEN) PUTMAN  Colorado County

This is Hillen Putman 35 and his wife Julia 28. They have Martha A. 8, William or probably Hillem 5, Monroe 4 and Sally 3. He is a son of Nimrod Putman and Sarah Dollar from Laurens County South Carolina. He will marry two more times, 1873 and 1874, and will be in Cherokee County in 1880.


KATE (?) PUTMAN  Colorado County

The listing is listed as 18 'New Track'. Kate is also listed as a male but may be a female, and was indeed born in New York. He lives with Henry Higby 28 GA a peddler and another guy. In 1860 John Skinner Putnam was in Attica, Wyoming New York with a daughter Kate M. 7 NY and this may be her. Not sure.


WILLIAM PUTMAN  Comanche County

He is 21 GA living with the family of James and Elizabeth Carnes, both in their 50s from Georgia as well. He is a son of Willis Putman from Hall County Georgia. He will next be in McLennon County Texas next to his dad.


JOHN PUTMAN  Cooke County

He is 30 IL and a farmer. Harriett is 28 KY and Frank is 6/12 TX.


JAMES PUTMAN  Gonzales County

Mitchell's son is 40, Eliza E. 23 and Sarah E. 15 (she will marry E. F. Wilson on June 24, 1871). He was next door in Guadalupe County in 1860 with another wife, so Eliza must be a second one.


MITCHELL PUTMAN  Gonzales County

He is widowed yet again and is 78 and living with Sanford Putman and his wife. Sanford is Reuben's son. Reuben was Mitchell's brother. Sanford ran away from home in 1850 and went to live with his Uncle Mitchell who raised him as if he were his own son. Just bringing you up to date on why Mitchell is living here.


SANFORD PUTMAN  Gonzales County

Reuben and Mary's son is 35, Martha 30 and no children. Mitchell, his uncle, is with them. (see above for why).


WILLIAM PUTMAN  Gonzales County

He is 53, Adeline Gipson 40, Sarah 22, Mary Jane 20, Samuel H. 19, Rebecca Elizabeth17, Angie 13, Alice 12, James 10, William 7, Temperance 5 and Rufus 3. Sarah will be marrying A. J. Harrison on August 18, 1871. Rufus will be in DeWitt County in 1900. Now, try this on for size. His cousin John Putman, Reuben’s son, was single in Washington County in 1860 and then married Nancy Ann Petty here in Gonzales County May 25, 1861. I can’t find him now, but he is around someplace and will marry Sarah Jane McCausland here December 28, 1871 and they are in Shakleford County in 1880. Based on ages and age gaps, I feel the 3 youngest belong to John and Nancy. In this census the older kids are listed as help in the occupation section. The 3 youngest just have lines drawn across that line. So they are ‘different.’ The son William Henry will be in Presido County in 1910 and Dickins County in 1920, and will die there April 6, 1926. The death certificate was signed by his wife Dollie as informant. She gives his folks as John Putman and Anna Petty. That ties him in and I think the other two might be siblings. They are all with William and Addie in 1880 and off on their own after that. Rufus has them as parents on his death certificate, but he may have simply been adopted. He was born March 16, 1867 and will die here August 30, 1916.


BERRY PUTMAN  Grayson County

He is 25 GA, Vira Putnam, a cousin, is 21 GA and they have Edmond (Elias in 1880) 4 years old. Berry is a son of Thomas Putman and Lucinda Hurt from Georgia. He was born June 10, 1847 and married Savira Putman, a daughter of Elias Putman and Arletha Faith Libby, on December 8, 1867. They are in Cooke County in 1880 and 1900.


JAMES L. PUTMAN  Grayson County

He is 40 TN and living with Dawsey Barnett from Arkansas. Jim and Dawsey were in the same Arkansas Unit fighting in the Civil War. James is widowed and has Alice 3 TX with him. Then, living a coupe of farms away is Mahala Bolen 22 TN who will become his third wife


JOHN A. B. PUTMAN  Hopkins County

He is 30 IL and a lawyer, his mother Sarah E. Houghton is 57 NY, and his sister Stella 14 IA. He is a son of Abraham Vedder Putman and Sarah Houghton from Montgomery County New York. The family was in Morgan County Illinois in 1840, and in Keokuk, Lee County Iowa by 1850. They are all here in 1880.


CALVIN PUTMAN  Hopkins County

He is 30 NY and a painter, Elizabeth Clanton 23 AR and Kate 1 TX. They were just married November 1, 1868. He lives next door to the above John Putman who is his brother. He is widowed here in 1880, and will be living with his brother and mother then. He’ll be remarried by 1900.


P. P. (PERLEY PORTER) PUTNAM  Jackson County

He is 35 PA, Ellen (Martha Ellen Marvin) is 27 PA, Fluella Iona (listed Fanny in 1880) 10 PA, Perley Porter jr. 8 PA, James Ajax 6 PA, Hallie Avis a daughter 5 PA and Samuel Morris 2 PA. He is a son of Thomas Putnam and Zilpha Miller Porter from Covington, Tioga County Pennsylvania. He will be here through 1900 or so.


JANE PUTMAN  Limestone County

She is 13 living with Joseph Allison 25 AL. She must be a daughter of Willis living in the next County McLennan.



Madison Putman is now 60, Olivia Catherine Davidson 56, William 21, Jill 15, Sarah C. 13 and Arizona 11.



Madison's eldest son is 32, Telitha C. Casner his wife 31, Laura Jane 10, Silas B. 9, Marion D. 7, Netty Olivia 5, Sarah J. 3 and William M. 1.



Listed as William, he is actually Willis Putman from Hall County Georgia and Thomas is his son. He is 57 KY and Thomas 32 GA. Thomas was in Cherokee County in 1860 and Willis has come out `between wives'. He will marry by 1880. They are living with Edward and Mary Graham. Mary Ellen was his daughter on a second marriage, born in 1847. Thomas will marry Susan Robertson on March 7, 1881.


JAMES PUTMAN  Red River County

He is a son of William Senior. James is 21 MO, Malinda (Harrison) 23 TN, Harrison 4 AR and William 1 AR. They live next door to his father William. He married Malinda back in Yell County Arkansas on August 9, 1867. Something will happen here in a few years. James and Malinda drop out of sight and the kids are back in Yell County in 1880 living with other families. Still trying to sort this one out.


WILLIAM PUTMAN  Red River County

He is 46 IL, Elizabeth is 23 AR, Rena (Julia Arena) 19 AR, William 7 AR, Jane (Allie Jane) 4 AR and Lucinda 2 months TX. He is a son of William and Alla Putman from Washington County Arkansas. He was in Yell County Arkansas in 1860. Elizabeth Morris Walkup is a second or possibly third wife, as he first married Lucinda Sims in 1847 and was with her in 1860. Elizabeth’s maiden name was Morris, she had previously married William David Walkup. The William listed here is actually William David Walkup, Jr., a stepson from Elizabeth’s first marriage.



He is a son of Anderson Putman and Jane McGill. He is 30 GA, Mary E. Pitner is 19 TX and they have William H. (Harve) 2 TX. They were married here June 30, 1867. They will be here in 1880.


HOWARD PUTMAN  Upseur County

This is Howard Brazelton Putman, a son of Daniel Putman from Cherokee County Georgia. He is 28 GA and Sophronia Manly is 20 TX. They will be in Hopkins County in 1880.






He is 50 NY NY NY, Martha J. (Mary Jane Rogers) 45 PA PA NY, Edward (Frank Ernest) 22 IN, William M. (Willard N.) 18 IN, Martha A. 11 IN. Spelling must have been really bad. I put the proper names in parenthesis. He is a son of Norman Putnam and his first wife Sally Shepard from Ontario County New York. They were in Marshall County Indiana 1870 and in Stark County Indiana in 1860. They will be in Wise County Texas in 1900.



He is 17 TX GA AL and a nephew of Berry and Catherine Shipp. He is Gerry Price Putman, son of Thomas R. Putman of Caldwell County. He will soon marry and go to El Paso where he will be in 1900. He'll become Superintendent of the school system there.


THEO or THOS PUTTMAN  San Antonio, Bexar County

He is 38 PRUSSIA and a laborer. He is probably the Henry who was in the Army here in 1870.



He is 32 CAN CAN CAN, Ida E. Perkley his wife is 26 TX, Aldridge junior 6 TX, Lillian 4 TX, Minnie 2 TX and Blanche 11/12 TX. He is a son of George Putnam (#2527) and Orpha Wells. He is shown at home with the family in 1851 in Dorchester, Middlesex County Ontario at age 3. He married Ida here on June 10, 1873. His parents were also born in Ontario, and his dad is presently in Waco, McLennon County Texas. These folks will also be in Waco in 1900.


JOHN B. (BANKS) PUTMAN  Callahan County

He is a son of Daniel and Nancy from Cherokee County Georgia. He is now 36 GA, Mary Ann 30 GA, Jennie N. 12 GA, Howard G. 8 GA, John L. 5 TX and Daniel H. 2 TX.


J. B. (JOSEPH BARNETT) PUTMAN  Caldwell County

He is Joseph Barnett Putman 23 TX, son of Thomas Rogers Putman. His wife is Julia Caroline McGinnis 23 TX and they have Eva Rebecca 3 and William P. 3 months. They were married here February 6, 1876. They will be here all their lives.


H. (HILLEN) P. PUTMAN  Cherokee County

Hillen is 47 SC SC SC and his wife Sarah Ann Waggoneer is 41 TX (MS?). They have Martha 19, Monroe 13, Sallie 12, Willie a girl 2 and James 2 (twins) all born in Texas. This is Hillen Putman who was a son of Nimrod Putman and Sarah Dollar. He was in Colorado County in 1870 with a wife named Julia. He then married Louisa McKinney here August 14, 1873 and the married Sarah here on December 3, 1874.



He is 40 TN TN TN, Emma 35 TN TN TN, Rosa 18 TX, Maggie 16 TX, Hugh 14 TX, Annie 12 TX and William 8 TX. This is another family indexed as Putman, but he is really Robert William Putney.


JOHN PUTMAN  Comanche County

He is 28 GA, Fannie Loudermilk 20 GA and Elizabeth 2 TX. He is a son of Jacob and Sarah Putman from Georgia. His brother Richard is nearby. He married Fannie December 31, 1876.


RICHARD PUTMAN  Comanche County

He is a son of Jacob and Sarah Putman. He is 30 GA, Nancy 30 AR, Rebecca 8 AR, Alice 7 AR, Margaret 5 AR, Joseph 3 AR and Gilba a niece is 7 TX.



Harvey 24, Texanna 31 and Joanna 20 all born in Alabama are children of Howard Mercer Putman from Cleburne County Alabama. Texanna had married Daniel Berry and he must have died as with this bunch are Lavinia Berry 8 AR, Ruth Berry 5 TX and Daniel Berry 2 TX. More of this family is in Grayson County Texas and are listed shortly.


B. (BERRY) E. PUTMAN  Cooke County

He is 33, Savira Putnam his wife 35, Elias 12 and Cora 4. All born in Georgia except Cora who was born in Texas. Berry is a son of Thomas Putman and Lucinda Hurt from Georgia. He was born June 10, 1847 and married Savira Putman, a daughter of Elias Putman and Arletha Faith Libby, on December 8, 1867. He is the grandson of Ezekiel Putman. They are here in 1900, Berry is widowed by 1910.


E. (ELIAS) B. PUTMAN  Cooke County

He is Elias B. Putman a son of Elias Putman from Hall County Georgia. He is 28 and has his mother Arlitha (Libby) 63 and sister Sallie 33 with him. Berry above is his brother.


JOHN PUTNAM  Gainesville, Cooke County

He is a Banker, 40 IL, M. E. is 38 KY and Frank 10 IL. Here in 1870 and I don't find them in 1900.


WILLIAM PUTNAM (?)  Cooke County

Another listing in the census indexed as Putnam, but looks more like Patman. I don't find him as a Putman or Putnam either before or later. At any rate, he is 48 AL TN TN, Emma or Lavina is 40 AL TN TN, Josephine 20 TX, John 18 TX, Nancy 12 TX, Thomas 10 TX, Ella 6 TX, James 3 TX and Martha P. 1 TX.


ARTHUR PUTNAM (?)  Cooke County

He is not listed in the index, but lives next door to the above William. He is a farmer, 36 AL TN TN, his wife's name is too hard to read but starts with an 'L'. She is 32 AL TN SC, Lizzie 12 AL, Anna 10 AL, Ida N. 7 TX and Nora 7/12 TX. They are obviously brothers. But, I don't think they are Putmans. Probably Patmans.



Thomas is now 41, still teaching, but has now married. He is Willis Putman's son. His wife Susan A. Robinson is 34 AL and they have Alfred 8, Willis 5 and Roena 3 all born in Texas. He will be in Oklahoma in 1900.



He is widowed and 42 AL and Laura Jane 20 TX, Silas B. 18 TX, Nellie O. 15 TX, Sarah Joanne 13 TX, William N. 11 TX, Minnie L. 9 TX, Quinnie C. 7 TX and Eddie H. 2 TX. Also here are two cousins William Davison 25 TX and his brother Harvey Davison 23 TX. They are relatives of John’s mother Catherine Davison (Davidson?).



He is Samuel H. a son of William Putman from Gonzales County. He is 29 and his wife Minnie E. Chew is 35 with a 3 month old son George Leslie. They were married here May 17, 1873.


JOHN PUTMAN  Ellis County

He is listed 17 AL AL AL and the adopted son of William and Martha Pannell. Martha Jane Stafford (34 AL AL AL), his mother, was the widow of John Thomas Putman of Blount County Alabama. Dad died in the Civil War and Martha and John were living with her folks in St. Clair County Alabama in 1870. They moved to Texas in 1871 and she married William Ross Pannell here November 7, 1875. They are here for the rest of their lives. William will die February 15, 1917 and Martha Jane on November 5, 1929. John Putman was born June 23, 1863 and will go back to Alabama and marry Earie Pearl Towe in Etowah County there on December 14, 1884 and they are in Alabama through 1888 and then in Texas by 1890. They are in Milam County Texas in the 1900 census. Pearl will die in 1905 and John will be in Imperial County California in 1920 and die in Stephens County Oklahoma November 13, 1935.



He is 25 MA MA MA, Carrie Estelle Morris 20 VA VA VA. They were married in Chicago January 5, 1880. He is a son of Addison Putnam and Hannah Tarbell of Lowell, Mass. In fact, he and Carrie will be back in Lowell with his folks in the 1900 census. They are then back in Parker County Texas in 1920 and then in Lowell, Massachusetts by 1930. He is a wool grower. He is also listed here in Hood County and says he is a sheep rancher. Same thing.


E. (ELIJAH) PUTMAN  Falls County

Glen Elijah is a son of William and Martha from DeKalb County Alabama. He married Mollie Self in Johnson County Texas in 1879. In 1900 they will be in Parker County Texas. He is 24 AL, M. A. (Mary Ann or Molly) 21 TX and young Mark 4 months old.


WILSON PUTMAN  Fannin County

He is 50 TN TN TN and his wife Roxanna is 40 SC SC SC. Kids are Richard 16 GA, Ervin 14 AL, Judson 12 AL, Henry 9 AL and Robert 6 AL. Also there is Margaret 48 TN TN TN his sister. He is a son of Morris Putman from Jackson County Alabama. Roxanna Ann Medford is wife number 3. They were married in Jackson County Alabama. Richard and Ervin were NOT in the 1870 census. They were not Putmans, they were her children from a previous marriage. Their last names were omitted and they are not with this family in the 1900 Census.


JOHN PUTMAN  Fannin County

He is the eldest son of the above Wilson. He is 20 AL.


SANFORD V. PUTMAN  Gonzales County

Sanford Vandever is a son of Reuben Putman from Washington County. He ran away from home and went to live with his Uncle Mitchell in Gonzales County. He is 43 SC SC SC, Martha A. (Mitchell) is 40 TX. They never had any children.


JOHN PUTMAN  Gonzales County

He is 60 NC NC NC with two sons J. C. 18 TX and J. E. 16 TX. He is possibly Willis' son.


MITCHELL PUTMAN  Gonzales County

He is now 87 SC, living with his grand children William and Catherine Mitchell. Also there is Mitchell's daughter Sarah E. Mitchell 47 who is William's mom.


JAMES L. PUTMAN  Grayson County

He is 44 AL NC NC and his wife Mary Ann is 32 NC. They have a son John T. 20 TN AL TN and a cousin Mary Putman 13 AL. Mary Ann is a second wife based on what was shown as states for John's parents. He is a son of Morris and Nancy Putman from Jackson County Alabama. His first wife was Rachel Susan Brown who had died in the 1870s.


SIMEON F. PUTMAN  Grayson County

He is 24 AL AL AL, his wife Maria E. (Alexander) 33 AL AL AL and they have Maggie E. 5 TX and Virgil A. 6 days old. His sister MAGGIE P. PUTMAN 19 AL is boarding next door. Simeon and Margaret are children of Howard Mercer Putman who has died. So is Silas Mercer next door. Simeon is widowed in Cooke County in 1900.


SILAS M. PUTMAN  Grayson County

He is 31 AL TN AL and his wife Hettie J. (Harriett Jane Alexander) is 25 AL TN AL. They have Emaline 11 AL and Thomas M. 1 Indian Territory OK. Also there is his sister SARAH 16 AL and a nephew S. W. Martin 21 AL. More of the brood of Howard Mercer Putman.


SOPHRONIA PUTMAN  Sherman, Grayson County

She is a black maid.


JOHN G. PUTNAM  Decision, Grayson County

He is 63 OH NJ DC and boarding. He is a fruit dealer. I don't find him in Ohio in 1850. If the NJ for his father's birthplace is correct, he is probably descended from David Putman of Sussex County New Jersey. That was a Dutch family that went into New Jersey early on, and went back to New York after the Revolution. I don't find any logical souls in Ohio in 1810 or 1820, but the family might not have been there over census taking time. Not at all certain here.


LOUVINIA PUTMAN  Hamilton County

She is 57 NH NH NH, Ella (Laura in 1860) 20 IL, Carlos T. (Tenney) 18 IL, Percy 16 IL and Ellen E. 14 IL. She is Lavinia Amelia Tenney, widow of Stephen Carlos Putnam of Hanover New Hampshire. He was a son of John Adams Putnam and Sarah Abiah Heath and was born in Hanover and died here June 27, 1878. Lavinia was born in Hanover December 9, 1822 and will die here October 20, 1897. The family was in LaSalle County Illinois before heading down to Texas in 1877.


OWEN PUTNAM  Hamilton County

He is 26 IN NH NH, Mary Eddy 19 WV WV WV. He is a son of the above Lavinia and he will be here through 1920. Owen was born in August 1853, and has just married Mary Eddy February 10, 1880. They are here in 1900 and forever.



He is listed as 14 AL AL AL and living as a servant with Elizabeth Roach. I don't find him in Alabama. The name may well be Pullman.



Fred Hale Putnam is an apprentice photographer, 23 CAN CAN CAN. He is a son of George Putnam and Orpha Wells and was born March 12, 1857 in Ingersoll, Oxford County Ontario. He was with his folks there in 1861 and then in Kansas City Missouri in 1870 and back up in Ontario in 1871 as his mom had just died. Then his dad remarried and went to Waco, Texas and married Sarah Angeline Tuller there June 12, 1879 and is there now and will be till he dies June 23, 1893. Fred will head up to Chicago soon and marry Julia Donals there in 1884 and they are in Chicago in 1900 and Seattle Washington in 1910. He will be back here in Waco, Texas and Julia will die here January 3, 1923 and marry Lula Brown and they are there in 1930 and he will die there in 1941.



He is 25 AL NC TN and working as a clerk in a store. He is the son of Anson and Hester and will be here, married, in 1900 and will remain here.



Sorry, but no first name listed. He is 26 MA MA VT and his wife Carrie is 22 DC VA VA. He would be Addison Putnam, a son of Addison Putnam and Hannah Tarbell of Lowell Massachusetts. He and Carrie are also listed in Erath County Texas now. They are back with his folks in Lowell in the 1900. He is a sheep rancher.


J. (JOHN) A. B. PUTMAN  Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County

He is 40 IL NY NY, a lawyer, his mother Sarah Houghton is 66 NY MA MA, and his brother C. V. (Calvin Vedder) is 44 NY NY NY, a printer and widowed. He is a son of Abraham Vedder Putman and Sarah Houghton from New York. He is part of the Dutch family from New York State. His dad a son of Matthew Putman and Nancy Ann Vedder from Montgomery County New York. He was born back in Morgan County Illinois and grew up in Lee County Iowa. They were all here in 1870. John will be a Judge in Hunt County Texas by 1888. Calvin will still be here in 1900 and remarried to a Nancy. No idea where his father is as he is supposed to die back in Montgomery County New York in 1885.


H. (HOWARD) B. PUTMAN  Precinct 1, Hopkins County

He is Howard Brazelton Putman 38 GA and his wife Sophronia Manly is 29 TX. They have Maggie B. 9 TX, Julia L. 7 TX, Andrew Lee 4 TX and Charles W. 1 TX. Also there is Sophie's mother, Julia J. Manly 56 SC. They were in Upseur County in 1870. He is Daniel's son.



Perly is 44 PA, Martha Ellen Marvin 30 PA, Fanny I. (Fluella Iona) 20 PA, Perley Porter Jr. 19 PA, James Ajax 16 TX, Hallie Avis 14 TX, Samuel Morris 12 TX, M. I. (Minnie Iona) 10 TX, R. E. (Reward Ellen) 8 TX, Royal Augustus 5 TX, Tilly Thomas, a son, 3 TX and Zilpha Eliza 1 TX. He is a son of Thomas Putnam of Tioga Co, PA. He was there in 1860 and right here in 1870. This gang will be here in 1900. The family is from Massachusetts originally.


WILLIAM PUTMAN  Curry's Creek, Kendall County

Mitchell's son has moved from Gonzales County. He is now shown as 63, Adaline Gipson 50, Rebecca 28, Angeline 24, Alice 23, James 21, William 18, Tempy 15, Rufus 13 and Abner 8. Not sure who Abner belongs to. Also see the 1870 listing in Gonzales County for who I think William, Tempy and Rufus belong to.



Madison's son, William Harve Putman has married Hester Caroline Teague. He is now 32, Hettie 24, Carrie 4, Cal (Madison DeKalb) 2 and Willie Jeffries a 1 month old daughter.



He is now 70, Olivia 65. With them are Katie Scott 13 a grand daughter, their own daughter Arizona 20 and her husband Jim Jackson 22 and Eva 1.


DOC PUTMAN  Llano County

He is Simeon Mercer Putman, 23 and his wife Adeline Victoria Stone 18. He is a son of Madison, though not shown in the 1870 census for some reason.


WILLIS PUTMAN  McLennan County

Living in Waco is old Willis with his fourth wife Susan E. (YOUNG) Miller. They were married on February 23, 1873. He is 65, she 40 and they do indeed have a new son Joel age 6.


L. M. PUTMAN  McLennan County

She is Lydia Mariah (Kellum) Brown, 35 and is the widow of Berry Putman who came from Cherokee County Georgia recently. Berry was a son of David Putman and Lecy Castleberry and he died September 5, 1870 in Georgia. She has a daughter Lonsey or Lula 10. Also with her are her son from her first marriage, Eddie Brown 24 and his wife Jennie 20 Brown. Mariah will die in Waco in January 1883.



He is boarding near by. He is 30 GA. He is the youngest son of Willis Putman.


GEORGE PUTNAM  Waco, McLennan County

He is 61 CAN NY NY, Angeline 45 VA VA VA, Minnie 18 CAN and Harry 13 CAN. He is a merchant. George (#2527) was born in Putnam, Ontario in 1819. They were in North Dorchester Middlesex County Ontario in 1851 and 1861 and in Kansas City Missouri in 1870. He was married to Orpha Wells then and she died in 1871. He married Sarah Angeline Tuller here on June 12, 1879. He will die here June 18, 1893. Sarah will be widowed here in 1900. His father was Joshua Putnam and his first wife Malinda Flannigan. Joshua (1142) was a son Seth Putnam and Sarah Harden of Lunenburg, Massachusetts. Seth fought in the Revolution and was a member of the ‘Boston Tea Party.’ He moved to Ontario in the mid 1790s and remained there the rest of his life.


FRANK PUTNAM  Waco, McLennan County

He is a clerk and boarding. He is 24 CAN CAN CAN. He is a son of the above George and his first wife Orpha Wells. He will soon be marrying a Florence.


LEE PUTNAM  McLennan County

He is 25 IL and boarding.


JAMES L. PUTNAM  Montague County

He is 50 TN NC SC and his wife Mahala Bourland is 38 TN. They have 5 kids with initials only. I put in the names based on the 1900. Sons Rufus R. 8, Arthur H. 7, Braxton H. (Holmes) 4 and James A. 1, and a daughter J. H. (Jane Hester) 5. They are in Indian Territory in Oklahoma in 1900, and Mahala is widowed in Oklahoma in 1920 and 1930 at age 87. He is a son of William James Putman and Elizabeth Adney from Jefferson County Tennessee. This was a family out of Rutherford County North Carolina. He was home with his widowed mom in 1850, and in Arkansas in 1870.



He is Charles Anderson Putman 30 AL NC TN and his wife Susan is 30 GA NC TN. They have Willie 10 TN, Mary 8 TN, Hester 7 TN, Martha 4 TX, and Rachel 1 TX. He is one of Anson's sons.


WES PUTMAN  Navarro County

Wesley B. is a son of Anson and Hester Putman. He is 28 AL and his wife Minerva C. (Hardin) is 30 MS (should be TN), and they have a daughter Ella 7 TX. His brother Josiah Green Putman is in Wise County.


JOHN PUTMAN  Navarro County

He is John R. Putman a son of Anson and Hester Putman. He is 39 AL, and widowed with a bunch of kids. Johnny 12 TN, Malinda 10 TN, William 7 TN, (Joseph) Henis 7 TN, and Hester 65, his mother and Mollie 21 his sister are with him as well. He is listed here in the 1890 Union Veteran's Census.


WILLARD PUTNAM  Corpus Christi, Nueces County

He is 27 MI MI MI, and a Private in the Army stationed here. He is a son of James Willard Putnam from Rochester, NY. James was in Calhoun County Michigan in the early 1850s and married Phebe Edgett there in 1852 and Willard was born there. The family moved back to Rochester, NY, and he was shown at home there with his folks in 1860. I think he is the Willard married in Leavenworth Kansas in 1885.



He is John Augustus Putman 37 GA and his wife Elizabeth A. 38 TN. They were in Franklin County Arkansas in 1870. He is a son of William Jacob Putman and Martha Hampton from DeKalb County Alabama. This Texas census only gives initials, but the first two tie in exactly with the first two kids in Arkansas. They are W. B. (William Benjamin) 11 GA, J. M. (Joseph) 9 AR, V. L. (Vesta Lee) 8 AR, Jesse J. (Jordan) 6 AR and Mary E. 3 TX. They are back in Sebastian County Arkansas in 1900 and he will die there in 1904. Southern Putmans from SC to GA.


JOHN PUTMAN  Rusk County

He is John O. Putman, 39 GA NC SC and his wife Mary E. Pitner is 29 TX TN TN. They have William H. 12 TX, Cora L. 9 TX, Maude 7 TX, Anderson H. 4 TX and Osborne 1 TX. John and Mary were married June 30, 1867. He is a son of Anderson Putman and Jane McGill.


JOHN PUTMAN  Shakleford County

He is 48 SC SC SC and his wife Sarah McCausland is 32 AR. Kids are Jennie 7 TX, Andrew 5 TX and Leroy 1 TX. He is a son of Reuben and Mary Putman. He was listed with her in 1850 and then dropped out of sight only to pop up here. He married Sarah on December 28, 1871.


WILLIAM PUTMAN  Shakleford County

He is listed single 20 TX, but he is the above John's brother and should be age 50. He is also a son of Reuben and Mary Putman.



He is a son of William Jacob and Martha Hampton Putman. He was born in DeKalb County Alabama and was listed there in 1850 and 1860 with his folks. He was single in Franklin County Arkansas in 1870, and is here now. He is listed 32 AL with a wife Bettie Ann Farmer 31 TN. They have Charlie 3 TX and Mollie 1 TX. His widowed mother, Martha A. 59 GA is with them. He is a grandson of Ezekiel Putnam of Georgia.


MORRIS PUTMAN  Tarrant County

This is Morris Putman Junior, son of Morris and Nancy Putman of North Carolina. He is 36 AL NC NC and Elizabeth J. Williamson his wife is 40 AL NC NC. They have a son Richard Posey 9 AL. They have just moved from Jackson County Alabama. Elizabeth will be a widow here in 1900.



He is 44 from Canada. He is listed in the 1890 Vets. Census. Maria A. is 40 NY, Eugene M. 12 WI, Minerva B. 10 WI, Katie A. 7 WI, Helen M. 5 TX and Charles Junior 1 TX. He is Charles Henry Putnam from Ontario, Canada. He married Maria Adaline Holly September 16, 1865 in Albany, Green County Wisconsin. Their first child, Eugene was born in Broadhead, Green County Wisconsin in 1867. He will die before 1900, and Maria will be here in Fort Worth with her son Charlie through the 1920 census. He is a son of John W. Putnam and Minerva Scott. He was born in Ontario, then moved with the family to Winnebago County Illinois and then to Green County Wisconsin and then he came down here. Family was descended from Tarrant Putnam of Sutton, Mass. See the listing for John in the 1850 Illinois census.


JOHN J. (JACOB) PUTMAN  Tarrant County

He is John Jr. His folks, John Jacob and Mary Magdalena Fleek were from Hampshire County Virginia. He is 44 OH (born in Ross Co.), Julia D. Moore, his wife, 35 VT, John J. 7 WI, Sophia M. 6 WI and William 3 TX. They were in Greene County Wisconsin for a period and that's where John and Sophia were born. In the History of Tarrant County he has a nice listing and it is there that he states his grandfather (Peter Putman of Hampshire County Virginia) was from Germany. That statement finally laid to rest the question of Peter's ancestry.



He is 50 NY, Harriett Fitch 43 MI, Arthur M. (Walter in 1860) 23 MI, Sarah 19 MI, Ezekiel 17 MI and Hattie 4 TX. He is a son of son of Cornelius and Eliza Putman from Amsterdam, New York and then Scotia, Shiawassee County Michigan. Dutch family from Montgomery County New York.


W. (WILLIAM) R. PUTMAN  Austin, Travis County

He is single and running a grocery store. He is listed as 26 AR TN TN.


B. F. PUTMAN  Wise County

He is 34 TX. He is a PITMAN.



He is Josiah Green Putman, son of Anson and Hester from Navarro County. He is a traveling Methodist minister. He is 22 AL AL AL.


M. (MARY) E. PUTMAN  Wood County

She is a widow 26 TX AR AR with Ada 6 TX, Leander 4 TX, W. J. (a son William Jackson) 3 TX and Thomas L. 8 months listed as a stepdaughter?? The father was born in North Carolina, but I do not know who he was. Mary will be marrying John Davis here in Wood County March 29, 1882.



This is Ezekiel Putman's youngest son, Abraham Pinkney Putman. He is 54 GA, his wife Mary Ann Brooke is 54 GA as well. At home are Elias 23, Mary 21, Thomas 19, Sallie 18, Joseph 16, Julia 16, Elijah 14 and Charles 12. All the kids were born in Cherokee County Georgia. Daughter Julia will marry William S. Timmons on November 19, 1882.



John 30 and George 27 are more of Abe Putman's kids. They live next door to their folks on their own place. I do not find John in Texas nor in Oklahoma in 1900. George’s first wife Mary Susan McLemore just died here October 31, 1898. He will return to Madison County Alabama where he will marry Ida Mae Reynolds. He will die back there February 6, 1906.



Another of Abe's brood. He is 30, his wife Lucy Caroline McKnight is shown as 44. They have Mary E. 6 AL, Ira 4 TX and Ada 6 months TX.


DAVID PUTMAN  Young County

Honest, this must the very last of Abe's children. He is single, a farmer, 18, but born in Texas, so he may not be part of this family.





This is from the 1900 Soundex. This is the year that the month and year of birth are listed as well as the state. By now there are lots of other Putmans and Putnams.



He is 46 ME and boarding with William Hickman. Also there are his wife Rosa (Rose Ellen Bishop) 26 KY and William Ernest 10 MS, Mary 9 MS, Fanny 6 MS, Earle 2 TX. He is from Piscataquis County Maine. First popped up there in 1860 at age 6 and was boarding, so no ideas at all as to his folks.


WILLIE PUTNUM  Bartlett, Bell County

He is 9 TX TX TX, born Jun 1891, single and boarding with John C. and Ruth Singleton. He is a son of Thomas Putnam and Jeanette Rosenthaler and was born in Austin, Texas June 21, 1891. He will be married to a Cora and die October 2, 1956 at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Marlin, Falls County Texas. His residence at the time is in Mirando City, Webb County Texas. He is buried in Franklin, Robertson County Texas. His dad Thomas is widowed now in Austin Texas. He seems to have two brothers, Roger and Carlos who in 1900 are living with John 35 TN and Martha Singleton in Austin, Texas. This John is a son of the John that has Willie. Their mom Jeanette died in the late 1890s and Thomas is widowed in Austin in 1900 till he died there July 24, 1922. Tom is the next confusing one. Thomas lists both parents as being born in England in the 1900 census. He looks to be the son of Isaiah and Eliza Putnam from England. They were in Richland County Ohio in 1860. Thomas was born in 1863 and I don’t find them in 1870 so can’t prove anything. But they were the only English couple in Ohio at the time. He married Jeanette Rosenthaller from Switzerland around 1893 and had Roger and Carl and then she died. Since Willie was born in 1891, Jeanette may not really be his mom. Just don’t know.


JOHN PUTMAN  San Antonio, Bexar County

He is 39 AL MA MA born February 1861 and living in San Antonio with his wife's mother, Gertrude Beissner 48 TX. His wife Helen Beissner 29 TX is with him. They have John 5 TX born January 1895, Henry 3 born September 1896 and Helen 1 born in September 1898. He is a fireman. He is a son of Dana Boardman Putnam and Huldah Manley. His dad is from Maine, but was in Troup County Georgia in 1860 and that’s where John was born. He went back to Boston with his dad and was there in 1880. He’ll be here with Helen through the 1930 at least.


JOHN E. PUTMAN  San Antonio, Bexar County

He is 39 GA MA MA born February 1861 and also living in San Antonio. This John is in what looks like a Fire Station and says he is married and a fireman. This is a dual listing of the above guy, just taken while he was on duty at the Fire Station.


POMP W. PUTMAN  San Antonio, Bexar County

He is a son David Alexander Putman and Fanny Childers of Dorsey County Arkansas and a grandson of Jesse Mercer Putman of Hall County Georgia. He is living in San Antonio and is 24 AR born June 1875. His full name is Pompei Wellington Putman.


ALICE W. PUTNAM  Blanco County

She is 41 TX boarding with Porter Ross. She is a daughter of William and Adeline Putman from Gonzales County. She is a nurse and will never marry. We will find her boarding at various places for the next 30 years


MINOR PUTMAN  Bowie County

He is living in Texarkana and listed as 54 MS born July 1845 and his wife Marguerite is 58 KY. There was a Mynott in Charles Caleb Putnam's family, but he was born in 1835. That is the only thought I have.


JOHN G. (GRAHAM) PUTMAN  Burleson County

He is a son of the Rev. Martin and Huldy Putman. He was in Marshall County Alabama in 1880 with the same wife. He is 51 AL born December 1848, Patricia ‘Patia’ Allen is 44 AL born February 1856, with Lula F. 22 AL born November 1877, Martin 19 AL born April 1881, Ernest 14 AL born August 1885, Mary 11 AL born September 1888, Mabel 4 TX born August 1895.


JOSEPH BARNET PUTMAN  Lockhart, Caldwell County

He is now 43 TX born June 1856, Julia McGinnis 43 TX Nov 1856. Children, all born in Texas, are Thomas Rogers 17 born April 7, 1883, Lela Mae 15 born April 10, 1885, Joseph Carroll 12 born July 31, 1887, Alice Viola 8 born October 26, 1891, Gussie 5 born November 16, 1894 and James Pledger 2 born September 18, 1897. He is a son of Thomas Rogers Putman and Mary Fleming from here. He married Julia here on March 3, 1876. They will move soon to Throckmorton County and Julia will die there February 14, 1907. Joe will marry Virginia Smith in 1911. They are there in 1920.



He is a son of Simeon Putman from Marion County Alabama. He is 55 AL, born October 1844. His wife Cerina Frances has died and he is living with his son Lewis S. Putman. His other children Andrew Madison 18, Silas 16, Lilla 13 and Melcina 11 are there as well.



He is a son of John and Cerina Putman and in fact dad is with him. They moved from Marion County Alabama. Lewis is 29 AL born August 1870, Bertha Jarrett is 20 GA born October 1879, John 3 TX born July 6, 1896 and Franklin Lewis 2 TX born January 12, 1898 are his kids. Also there is his father JOHN PUTMAN 55 AL born October 1844 and two brothers ANDREW MADISON 18 born May 30, 1881 (also listed by himself in Morris County) and SILAS 16 born May 1884 also two sisters LILLA 13 TX November 1886 and MELCINA 11 born November 1889. His brother Forney is nearby in Wood County as well.


BERTHA M. PUTNAM  Cherokee County

She is 8 TX and the grand daughter of James A. Wallace. She is a daughter of the upcoming Monroe Putnam and his wife Lulu Belle Wallace. Her mom has died and she is with gramps.


HILLEN PUTNAM  Cherokee County

He is listed as Helene, but this is Nimrod's son from South Carolina. He was born in January 1833 in South Carolina. He is 67 and Sarah Ann Waggoner, his third wife, is 61 TX born in August 1838. Hillen will die in Mixon, Cherokee County Texas in 1908 and Sarah Ann will die there in 1912.


MONROE PUTNAM  Cherokee County

He is 30 AL boarding with Elijah Stockton. He will be here married in 1910. He is Hillen's son. His first wife Lula Belle Wallace died November 11, 1890.


EDWARD PUTNAM  Coleman County

He is 33 MO IL MO and a lodger. He is a grain salesman. He is the son of Philip and Nancy Putnam as shown in 1870 in Vernon County Missouri. Birthplaces of the folks fit. The family is Dutch originally from Montgomery County New York.


ERIN PUTMAN  Coleman County

She is 22 TX and widowed. She is listed with her widowed mother Mary E. McMahon 51 AR.


FRANK PUTMAN  Collin County

He is Thomas Franklin Putman, a son of William Putman and Alice Crow of Alabama and a grandson of William Putman and Susan Stevens of North Carolina. He is 27 MS born January 9, 1872 and his wife Estella Jones is 21 TN. No children yet.


CHARLES D. PUTMAN  Collin County

He has moved from McNairy County Tennessee and is now 50 May 1850 AL, Rosetta Hodges is 44 October 1855 TN and they have Bessie 17 TN, Asa Dee 13 TX born May 22, 1887, Minnie 8 TX. Their son William 28 TN and his wife Cary 20 MO are with them, with no children of their own. He is a son of William and Susan Putman.


GEORGE PUTMAN  Collin County

A son of Francis M. Putman who is in Cooke County. He is 38 TN born January 1862, his wife Laura Bell Simmons is 35 TN born April 1865 and the children are Rose 17 TN born July 1882, James Monroe 14 TX born March 22, 1886, Charles S. (Sylvester) 8 TX born February 18, 1893, Nannie 10 TX born May 1890, Nora 6 TX born September 1893 and Jesse Grady 2 TX born December 24, 1898. They will be here through the 1920 census and Laura will be widowed by 1930.


JAMES D. (DAVID) PUTMAN  Collin County

Another son of William and Alice. He is 35 MS born March 1865. His wife Carra (Carrie Ellen Phillips) is 28 MS born December 1871 and their children are Arthur Graham 9 TX born March 6, 1891, Lizzie 6 TX born June 1893 and Cuel Raymond 3 TX born April 1, 1897. Also there are his parents, William Putman and Alice Crow (see separate listing later on).


JOHN PUTMAN  Collin County

Another son of William Putman and Alice Crow. He is 37 MS born July 27, 1862 and his wife Ida Wingo is 32 MS born September 1867. Kids are Frank 16 MS born November 1883, Ollie 14 MS born January 17, 1886, Lula Maude 8 TX born July 29, 1891, Lottie Vivian 3 TX born February 13, 1897 and Lonnie 1 TX born August 18, 1899. He will die in 1904, and Ida will marry Oliver Trueblood. They will be in Scurry County in 1910.


MARK L. PUTMAN  Collin County

Marcus is 21 TN born January 1879 is from McNairy County Tennessee and lives next door to his father Charles. His wife Cora is 18 TX and they have a 6 month old Leonard born December 1899. He is a grandson of William and Susan Putman. They will be in Donley County in 1910.


WILLIAM F. PUTMAN  Collin County

William 63 AL born January 1837 and Alice M. Crow 59 AL born October 1840 are living with their son James and his family (see that listing)


HUGH PUTMAN  Colorado County

He is Hugh Putman, 24 AR born in February 1876 and his wife is Mabel Booth 23 MO born in June 1877. He lives right next door to the upcoming James Putman who is his father. He will be in Harris County in 1910.


JAMES PUTMAN  Colorado County

He is William James Putman, 47 TN born in October 1853, his wife Martha Floriday or Florida is 46 TN born in July 1854. It would appear that the above Hugh and Thomas are his children both born in Arkansas. He is from Benton County Arkansas, a son of George P. Putman born in Wilson County Tennessee. He will be in Harris County in 1910 and 1920 living in Houston.


THOMAS PUTMAN  Colorado County

He is William Thomas Putman, 19 AR born December 1881. He is a son of James and Martha Putman also here in the county.


WILLIAM PUTMAN  Comanche County

He is 47 GA born August 1852, his wife Avey Taylor is 45 GA born April 1855 and they have Mary D. 13 TX born September 1886. They were married here February 21, 1882. He is Willis Putman's son from McLennon County.


BERRY E. PUTMAN  Cooke County

He is now 52, born June 1847 GA. His wife Savira Putman is 55 November 1844 GA and Thomas H. 18 February 1882 GA. Berry is a son of Thomas Putman and Lucinda Hurt from Georgia. He was born June 10, 1847 and married Savira Putman, a daughter of Elias Putman and Arletha Faith Libby, on December 8, 1867. Berry is widowed here in 1910.


ELIAS B. PUTMAN  Cooke County

He is now 48 born March 1852 GA and has his sister Sallie 53 born November 1846 GA with him. He is still unmarried, but will be marrying Lena G. Smith in 1901 so hang on. He is Elias' son.


FRANCIS M. (MARION) PUTMAN  Bulcher, Cooke County

He is a son of Elizabeth Putman in Jefferson County Tennessee. He is now 72 TN born December 1827 and his third wife Sarah Adeline Underwood is 56 TN. At home are Alvin 26 TN (listed as William in 1880 TN) born in January 1874 and Commodore S. 23 TN born November 1876. They have moved over from Knoxville, Sevier County Tennessee. His son George is in Collin County Texas as well. William and Commodore will be going to Oklahoma in a few years. Francis will die here on July 25, 1902.


JAMES M. PUTMAN  Cooke County

He is a son of Simeon Howard Putman from Marion County Alabama. He is 50 AL born October 1849, Melinda Frances Majors his wife is 40 AL born September 1859 and they have William N. 17 AR born October 1882, John Wesley 16 AR born January 18, 1884, Simeon Howard 13 TX born October 25, 1886, Viola 11 TX born December 1888, Wiley F. 10 TX born March 1890, Pearl 6 TX born March 1894 and Fannie 3 TX born June 1896. They are here in 1910.


SAMUEL (SIMEON F. ??) PUTMAN  Cooke County

Now here comes a tricky call. The son Virgil was listed in 1880 with Simeon F. Putman, a son of Howard Mercer Putman from Grayson County. This guy is really Simeon. At any rate, he is widowed, 47 AL AL AL born November 1852 and has Virgil 19 TX born June 1880, Love, a son Almon Love, 17 TX born January 1883, Willie a daughter 15 TX born January 1885.


THOMAS J. PUTMAN  Cooke County

He is 26 AL born in August 1873. His wife Lillie Viola Boyd is 27 MO born August 1872 and they have Cora 5 TX born March 1895 as well as Viola's mother, Caroline Boyd 66 born in Germany with them. Thomas lives right next to his dad James Putman. He is a son of James and his first wife Margaret. Thomas will die very soon, and Viola will marry Andrew Madison Putman (a son of John W. and Cerina Putman) in Cass County Texas on September 28, 1905. She and the kids will be listed with him in 1910. I hope that saves you a bit of confusion in 1910.


JOSEPH G. PUTMAN  Coryell County

This is Josiah Green, a Reverend, and a son of Anson and Hester Putman. He is 43 AL born March 1856. He is a traveling Methodist preacher and currently staying in a boarding house.



He is 27 TN and in Jail, well not really. He is a deputy sheriff and a guard here. He will go on to be Assistant Superintendent of the State Reform School. He is a son of Francis Manin and Mary Putman of McNairy County Tennessee. He gets married here in 1902 and will be here right through the 1920 census.



He is 68 NY, Ester D. Rice his wife 59 IL, Augustus R. 34 IL, Henry 31 IL, Major G. (Marion Gardiner, an electrician) 20 IL and Bertie 24 IL. They were in Lyndon, Whiteside County Illinois in 1870 and 1880 and here soon afterwards. He is a son of William Garrison Putman and Maria Gardiner from Montgomery County New York. Dutch family. The son Marion Gardiner will marry Lela Schofield from here in 1905 and they will be in Portland, Maine by 1906 and be there in 1910 where he is an electrical engineer. Then about 1915, he will take off and join the Army Air Force back in Dallas. He will be in WWI and be a Captain at Love Air Force Base in Dallas in 1920. He will then marry Hallie Gafford in 1925 and they are in San Antonio in 1930.


S. (SILAS) B. PUTMAN  Dallas County

This is Silas B. Putman son of John and Telitha Putman of Llano County. He is single 39 TX born December 1861. Found an interesting tidbit in the March 13, 1891 Dallas Daily Times. “The case of S. B. Putman, charged with seducing Miss Amanda Ray, is on trial today. At the time of the seduction, the young lady was 16 years old.”



He is 60 MS born December 1839. He is living with Simon Sharp as a father in law. He is William Jeremiah Putman, son of Jeremiah and Elizabeth from Copiah and Scott County Mississippi. His daughter Eula Lee married Simon Sharp. They live in Dallas on Gaston Avenue.


GEORGE PUTMAN  Denton County

He is 37 AL born May 1863 his wife Mary is 27 TX and the kids are Annie 7 born December 1892, Charley 5 born December 1894, Josie 3 born June 1897 and Jesse Jackson 2 born January 1898 all born in Texas. He is George Washington Putman and his wife is Mary Jane Cole. They were married in Collin County on October 11, 1891. He is in Jefferson County Oklahoma in 1910 with some more kids. In 1880, he is in Jackson County Alabama with his mother Elizabeth. His folks are Wilson Putman and his second wife Elizabeth Wilson. They will be in Jefferson County Oklahoma in 1910.



This is William F. Putman, son of Daniel Thomas Putman and Rachel Musgrove from Washington County Arkansas. He is 35 AR born December 1864. His wife Rosa is 28 from Kansas born September 1877. He and Rosa will be in Pittsburg County Oklahoma in 1910.



He has been listed as a son of William and Adeline Putman from Gonzales (1870) and Kendall (1880) Counties. He is 33 TX born March 1867. His wife Cora Johnson is 29 TX born September 1870 and they have Clarence 3 born in Texas August 1896. Her brother John Johnson Jr. 19 TX is with them. But I think he is a son of John Putnam and Nancy Ann Petty. She the Gonzales County listing for the thoughts.


JAMES W. PUTMAN  Clarendon, Donley County

He is 25 TX GA LA single and boarding. He is a dry goods salesman. He is a son of William A. and Lucy Ann Putman from Hopkins County Texas. He was there in 1880. William was a son of James Putman from Floyd County Georgia and a grandson of Ezekiel Putman from Georgia. He will be married here in 1902 and here through 1930. Southern Putmans.


JAMES H. (HARVEY) PUTMAN  Eastland County

This is Jabel Putman's son. He was in Craighead County Arkansas in 1880. James is 54 TN born August 1845. His wife Rina C. (Byrd) Lintrap is 34 MO born September 1865. She was a widow and they have Noah Lintrap 11 MO as well as their own children Jessie 3 TX born October 11, 1897, David A. 2 TX born January 18, 1899 and George Amos born March 22, 1900 in Texas.


WILLIAM J. (JACOB) PUTMAN  Eastland County

He has moved from Tarrant County (1880). He is now 52 AL born February 1848, Betty Ann Farmer is 51 TN born March 1849, Charles 23 TX born January 1877, Mary 20 TX born December 1879, Bruce 18 TX born September 1881 and Alice Strickland a daughter in law (Charles' wife) 20 FL born January 1880. He is William Jacob Junior and a grandson of Ezekiel Putnam. Betty will be widowed by 1910 and be living with her daughter Molly over in Brown County. Charles and Alice and Bruce will be in Coleman County in 1910.



He is 32 NY, Edith Mary Bishop 25 IN, Robert E. (Ellis) 5 TX, Francis B. (Frank Bishop) 4 TX, Helen M. (Mary) 2 TX, Edith V. (Virginia) 1 TX and Arthur K. (Kittridge) 2 months TX. Arthur is a son of George Putnam and Helen Burch from Jefferson County New York. This is a Dutch family from New York. He works for the U. S. Customs and will die in an accident just over the line on the Rio Grande near Anapra, New Mexico September 12, 1908. Edith and the kids will be here in 1910 and then move to Los Angeles in about 1912.



Gerry Price is Thomas' son and is now 37 TX born May 18, 1863, his wife Mary (Marianne Harrell) 29 TX GA LA, and they have Harrell 2 TX. Her brother Willie Harrell 17 TX and sister Belle 14 TX are living with them. Gerrie was born May 18, 1863 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He married Marianne Harrell in Dallas. She was born March 7, 1871, and moved to El Paso where he became Superintendent of the school system. He was a graduate of Baylor University. In 1880, he was single and listed as Price Putnam in Bell County Texas. Marianne will die here March 19, 1902 and Gerrie will marry her sister Belle on April 21, 1910. Belle is living here now but way too young to marry for a few more years. She is 22 years younger than him.



He is the only son of Joseph Grover Putman down from Fulton County Illinois and is 39 born November 1860 IL with children William Eddie 13 October 1886 TX, Emma C. 12 December 1887 TX and Joseph Grover 5 born July 15,1895 TX. Also there is his mother Christine Bordner Putman 60 born July 1839 OH. He is the grandfather of the Reverend Bill Putman from Houston. Bill is one of the premier Putman Family researchers.


HARRY S. PUTNAM  Ellis County

He is 40 Canada, Beulah A. Whitehead 34 LA and Georgia Fay 11 TX. They were married August 1, 1887 in Somerville and were in Waco in 1890. Beulah will marry Samuel Jackson Beene and be in Houston in 1910. No clue as to Harry except he was single in Brockville, Ontario Canada in 1891. Rand noticed there was a Harry Putnam listed with John Putnam in Liverpool, Queens, Nova Scotia Canada in1901 who was the same age and born in the same month May 1860 as this Harry. May well be the same and his dad just listed him as ‘his’ even though he may not have been home there. Just a big ‘Maybe’, and both had different jobs.



He is 35 AL, born September 1864 and Alice Mitchell his wife is 38 TX, they have Lillian 6, Inez 2 and Irene 1. He is Wilson's son, Morris' grandson. Alice will die in the next few years, but Jud and the kids are all here in 1910 and then in Riverside County California by 1920.


JOHN PUTMAN  Fannin County

He is the eldest son of Wilson Putman and his first wife Mary Ann Keele. The family was in the county in 1880 and still here in 1900. He is 39 TN (listed as AL in 1880) born September 1860, Ida Smith his wife is 28 AL (should be FL) born October 1871, Arthur 9 TX born August 1890, Louilla 7 TX born July 1892, Ora 6 TX born April 1894, a son Posey E. 4 OK born April 1896 and Nina D. 1 TX born September 1896. They will be in Grayson County Texas in 1910 and in Clark County Arkansas in 1920.


WILSON PUTMAN  Fannin County

Morris' son is still in the County he is now 69 TN born November 1830. Roxanna Medford his second wife is 61 SC born May 1839, Henry 26 AL born November 1873, Maggie 19 TX born November 1880 and May N. 5 TX born November 1894.


JOHN T. PUTMAN  Franklin County

He is a son of James L. Putman and Rachel Susan Brown from Tennessee. The family was in Grayson County Texas in 1880. He is 40 TN born in April 1860, Sarah E. Jerden is 39 AL born July 1860. Children are: James Samuel 16 MS born July 4, 1883, William T. 15 MS born March 1885, Leander A. 12 MS born September 1887, Benjamin Franklin 10 MS born October 1889, Lilly B. 8 TX born February 1892, Dollie L. 4 TX born June 1895, Claxton 3 TX a twin born November 1896, Clarence P. 3 TX the other twin born in November 1896. In 1910 all the kids are listed TX, which I think is correct.


SANFORD V. PUTMAN  Gonzales County

He is now (age not recorded, but he would be about 63 SC) living with Martha 64 (should read 61) TX born May 1836.


SARAH J. PUTMAN  Gonzales County

She is 50 AR born December 1849 and has two children with her, Mansil J. 17 TX born August 1882 and Lula B. 13 TX born December 1886. Sarah Jane McCausland is the widow of John Putman of Shakleford County.


OWEN PUTMAN  Hamilton County

He is 46 IN born August 1853, Mary Emalie Eddy is 39 WV born April 1861. They were married February 10, 1880. They have Claude 16 TX born July 1883, Walter 14 TX born September 1885, Constance 10 TX born August 1889, Benjamin 7 TX born December 1892, John 4 TX born August 1895 and Mabel 2 TX born in November 1898. He is a son of Stephen Carlos Putman and Lavinia Tenney and has been here 25 or so years. The family was in LaSalle County Illinois in 1860. His dad is from New Hampshire and the family was originally from Massachusetts. Mary is a daughter of John and Rachel Eddy from North Carolina and then here in Hamilton County. They are here in 1910, 1920 and 1930. Owen will die here in 1941 and Mary in 1946.


HENRY J. PUTMAN  Hardeman County

This is Flemming's son, listed as Henderson Putman in the 1880 census of Moore County Tennessee. He is 47 TN (said AL in 1880) born September 1852, Oma M. Wilson his wife is 37 TN born February 1862 and they have John W. 25 TN born March 1875, Logan L. 21 TN born November 1878, James Walter 18 TN born June 23, 1881, Mary 14 TX born September 1885 and Jessie 11 TX a daughter born October 1889.


FRANK L. PUTNAM  Harris County

He is 34 NY, Marie J. 34 France, Florence 8 NY, Lincoln 7 NY. They are in Houston. They are still here in 1910. He is the son of Richard Putnam and Maria Philips. He was age 4 in 1870 at home in Rome, Oneida County New York.  His death certificate here in Houston on December 19, 1925 gives his dad as R. A. Putnam and Frank was born in Rome, NY September 5, 1865. This is a New York Dutch family. His death certificate says he is a manufacturer of Putnam Water Heaters in Houston.


SAMUEL H. PUTMAN  Hayes County

He is a son of William and Adeline Putman from Gonzales County and was in DeWitt County in 1880. He is 49 TX born December 1850 and his wife Minnie Chew is 57 TX born March 1843. They have George Leslie 20 born February 1880 and William Brady 13 TX born July 1886


D. (DUDLEY) C. PUTMAN  Hill County

He is 23 AL, born June 1876 living with Charles Ryan. He is Dudley Cicero Putman, a son of Joel Putman from St. Clair County Alabama. He next appears in 1920 in Muskogee County Oklahoma with a new wife. His son (not listed here) will be in Hill County in 1910 and 1920. That is if my guess is right.


JOHN M. PUTNAM  Hill County

He is a son of Thomas Rogers Putman of Caldwell County. He is 53 TX born January 1847, Frances J. is 46 TX born December 1853, Emerson B. 26 TX born January 1874, Joseph B. 16 TX born February 1884, Fanny 14 TX born February 1886 and Lizzie 12 TX born August 1887.



These are two sons of James W. Putman who is in Kaufman County. James is a son of Martin and Huldy Putman. This family came from Marshall County Alabama. Owen is 28 AL born April 1872 and is married to Sallie 22 TX born December 1877. His older brother Marcus 25 AL born September 1874 is living with them.



He is 45 AL born October 1854 and his wife Tynia Daffan is 43 TX born November 1856. He was single in Hill County in 1880. They have 2 nieces living with them. He is a son of Anson and Hester Putman. He will remain in Hubbard, Texas all his life. The two nieces are daughter's of his brother Josiah Green Putman who is widowed. They are Alline 6 TX born February 1884 and Roberta 12 NM born in March 1888.



He is 64 NY, Nancy A. 46 TX. He is a son of Abraham Vedder Putman and Sarah Houghton from New York. He is part of the Dutch family from New York. He was widowed here in Sulphur Springs with his mother and brother John in 1880. Nancy is new since then. Calvin will be in the North Texas Hospital for the Insane in Kaufman County in 1910. Nancy will be with her sister here through 1930.


KATE PUTMAN  Hunt County

She is 60 MS born February 1840 and the widow of Lorenzo D. Putman. With her are Willis 27 MS born April 1873 and Fanny 16 MS born December 1883



He is another son of Lorenzo and Kate Putman and lives near mom. He is 28 MS born April 1872. His wife Sarah Miller is 26 TX born in June 1874 and they have Willie or Wiley, a son, 6 TX born July 1893. They were married here March 2, 1890.


PERLEY PUTNAM  Jackson County

Perley Porter is still here and is now 64 PA, Martha Ellen Marvin 56 PA, Zilpha Eliza 20 TX. Perley will die here in 1912. Martha will pass on July 31, 1918.



He is 25 TX and George Jones' brother in law. His dad is Perley Porter Putnam from Tioga County Pennsylvania. Royal was born here February 10, 1874.


SAMUEL PUTNAM  Jackson County

Samuel Morris Putnam is 31 TX and a hired hand. He is a son of Perley Porter Putman from Pennsylvania. Sam was born here


TILMAN PUTNAM  Jackson County

He is a hired hand 24 TX. Tillie Thomas Putnam is a son of Perley Porter Putnam and Martha Ellen Marvin. He was born here in Jackson County. The name Tilman or Tillie was the name of his mother's father, Tilman Marvin.


O. W. (ORLANDO) PUTNAM  Beaumont, Jefferson County

He is 41 MI, his wife Malanie 37 MI. With him are his parents G. S. (George Spencer) Putnam 68 NY and Jane (Hunter) 59 NY. Also there are his brother Fred Eugene Putnam 30 MI, Fred's wife Lottie (Charlotte Bond) 29 MI, their daughter Bessie 5 MI and some lodgers. They live at 992 Cader Ave in Beaumont. They were in Ottawa County Michigan in 1860, 1870 and Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1880. That’s where Orlando met and married Pauline Kim. I don’t know if this is a misspelling or her middle name.  They are here in 1910 and it’s Pauline okay then maybe a second wife. Fred will be around till he dies August 7, 1931 and will have several wives by then. He and Charlotte will be divorced here in 1910. George Spencer is number 2630, a son of Jeremy Putnam (1174) from Wethersfield, VT then New York then Jackson County Michigan where he died in the 1830s.


F. W. PUTMAN  Beaumont, Jefferson County

He is 39 CAN CAN CAN born Nov. 1860 Canada, boarding in Beaumont. He is alone, but states he has been married since he was age 19. He also states he immigrated to the U. S. in 1868 and has been here 30 years.


FRED PUTNAM  Beaumont, Jefferson County

He is 35 MI MI MI and a boarder in Beaumont. I have info from a descendant that he might originally be from Detroit. They have a photo of him and a Bessie Mae Putman, probably his first wife, taken in St. Louis, Missouri in 1895. She died. He later married again in Galveston, Texas in 1922. He died in 1931. He worked for the Southern Pacific railroad.


JOHN PUTNAM  Port Arthur, Jefferson County

He is 52 IA, Emma Woodruff 42 OH, Roy J. 22 IA and his married daughter Nellie Bryan 28 IA. He was born in Dubuque County Iowa. He is a son of James Rufus Putnam from Knox County Indiana and a grandson of Howard Putnam. In 1880, he was in Knoxville Township, Marion County Iowa. He will next be in Los Angeles where he will die in 1931.


N. (NATHAN) B. PUTNAM  Jefferson County

He is 45 MA, Lena 35 England. They live in Beaumont. He is the son of Nathan Putnam and Caroline Messer of Salem, Massachusetts. In 1910 he and Lena were in Salt Lake City, Utah. He is and was a civil engineer.


FRED PUTMAN  Johnson County

He is 24 GA born February 1876 and his wife Lillian Hardesty is 24 TX born January 1876, and Bryan 2 TX born September 1897. He is a son of James G. Putman and Margaret Thurman. They were all in Greene County Missouri in 1880, and in DeKalb County Georgia before that. His widowed mom and some brothers are now in Parker County Texas. By 1920, he will be in Los Angeles, California along with his brother Frank.



He is 66 NC born January 1834 and his second wife is Mary Elizabeth Lindsay 30 AL born May 1870. They have Lonnie F. 9 TX born March 1890, Benjamin F. 7 TX born September 1892 and Monroe 4 TX born April 1896. He is a son of Martin and Hulda Putman from Marshall County Alabama.


JOHN PUTMAN  Kaufman County

He is 28 IL born January 1872, Glycine is 24 TX born June 1875, John A. 6 TX born November 1894 and Cecil born October 1899. He is a son of Henry G. Putnam who is presently in Dallas County. John was born back in Lyndon, Whiteside County Illinois and was at home there in 1880 with his folks. His name should be spelled as Putnam.


MATTIE PUTMAN  Kaufman County

She is 39 TX in the North Texas Hospital for the Insane here in Terrell. She is a daughter of Hillen and Julia Putman. She was at home in Colorado County in 1870 and Cherokee County in 1880. She will be here in this hospital in 1910 and 1920. I am listing her so you don't think the whole family is perfect.


W. H. (WILLIAM HENRY) PUTMAN  Kaufman County

He is 32 AR born January 1868. He is a son of William Lester Putman from Benton County Arkansas. He is single now, but will be marrying Teresa May Curran here on February 27, 1901, and they will move to Anderson County Texas and be there through the 1920 census. He will die there June 4, 1964.



He is 25 TX born December 1874. His wife Johnie B. is 24 TX born December 1875. This Andrew is a son of John and Sarah Putman from Gonzales County


R. (REDING) PUTMAN  Lamar County

He is 51 IL, C. T. his wife 57 OH, Ralph 17 KS, Josie 12 AR, Charles 8 AR. By golly, this is Bennett Putman's son, Reding and his second wife Charlotte T. Clark. The older kids are back in Arkansas, but he is here. Ralph will be married here in 1910, but I don't find the rest of them then. In 1920 both Reding and Charlotte will be in Madison County Arkansas living with their daughter Maggie. The son Charley will be married and living in Crawford County Arkansas in 1920.


HARVE PUTMAN  Llano County

This is Madison Putman's son William Harve and he is 51 TX born November 1848. His second wife Anna Teague is 41 AL and Willie 20 TX a daughter born August 1880


S. MERCER PUTMAN  McCulloch County

This is Simeon Mercer Putman, son of Madison Putman. He is 45 TX born December 1854, his wife Adeline Victoria Stone is 39 TX born April 1861 and they have Velma 20 born June 1880, Effie 18 born April 1882, Mary 16 born April 1884, Lea or Lee R. 14 born January 1886, Murial 8 born September 1891, Ona 6 born April 1894 and Amzie 3 born September 1896 all born in Texas.


SARAH A. PUTMAN  Waco, McLennan County

She is living alone in Waco 70 VA born October 1829. She is Sarah Angeline Tuller, the widow of George Putnam. They were here in Waco in 1880. He died in 1893, but the kids are all around Waco too.


ALDRIDGE PUTNAM  Waco, McLennan County

He is Aldrige Darius Putnam, 51 Canada, Ida Perkley his wife is 46 TX, Aldridge Jr. 26, Lillian 24, Minnie Maud 22, Stella M. 20, George H. 18, Kate A. 16, Homer B. 11 and Lillie 9. All born in TX. They were in Bowie County Texas in 1880. Aldridge is from Middlesex County Ontario. His folks were George Putnam (#2527) and Orpha Wells. New England folks way back when. Aldridge was born September 21, 1849 in Ontario, and will die here in Waco on April 5, 1905. He married Ida E. Perkley on June 10, 1873.



He is 36 AL born June 23, 1863. His wife Evie or Earie Pearl Towe is 29 AL born June 1870, Minnie C. 11 AL born June 1888, Mollie A. 9 TX born September 1890, Ida 8 TX born March 1892, John S. 6 TX born September 1893, Ada 5 TX February 1895, Pearl 2 TX born February 1898 and Jodie 1 TX a son born in April 1899. He is the son of John Putman and Martha Jane Stafford from Blount County Alabama. His dad was killed in the Civil War and he was with his mom in Alabama in 1870. They moved to Texas in 1871 and she married William Ross Pannell here November 7, 1875. John went back to Alabama and marry Earie Pearl Towe in Etowah County there on December 14, 1884 and they were in Alabama through 1888 and then in Texas by 1890. Erie will die in about 1905. He will then marry Carrie Morgan and they will go to Stephens County Oklahoma around 1910. He will die there November 13, 1935. I can’t find them in any censuses after this one though.


ANDREW PUTMAN  Morris County

Andrew Madison is 19 AL, born May 1881 lodging with Wesley Peck. He is a son of John Howard and Cerina Putman from Marion County Alabama. He is also listed in Cass County with his brothers.



Listed as Anderson in 1880, he is 54 February 1846 AL, Susan E. James is 52 September 1847 GA, Jessie 16 December 1883 TX and Effie 13 June 1886 TX. He is Anson and Hester's son.


EARL E. PUTNAM  Navarro County

He is 24 OH IN IN living with Mary Watson in Corsicana. He looks to be the son of Pembroke Russell Putnam and Mary Randolf as shown in the 1880 Guilford, Medina County Ohio census.


JAMES M. (MARTIN) PUTMAN  Navarro County

He is the son of James Winston Putman and Elizabeth Guire of Marshall County Alabama and a grandson of Martin and Huldy Putman. He is 39 AL born March 1861, Eliza Ann Fariss is 33 AL born November 1866, and the children are Oscar G. 14 AL born November 1885, Beulah 11 AL born January 1889, Bessie A. 8 AL born November 1891 and Marcus 2 TX born June 1897. They are in Jones County Texas in 1910.


JOE H. PUTMAN  Navarro County

He is Josiah Hennis Putman, son of John Royer Putman and Rachel James, his first wife. Joe is 27 TN born June 4, 1873, Martha Lou Raines, his wife, is 27 AL born May 1873 and they have Charles Anderson 3 TX born October 10, 1896 and Daisy Ruth born in January 1900.



He is a son of John Royer Putman who was a son of Anson and Hester Putman. He is 32 TN born December 1867. His wife Fannie (Frances Jane McCulloch) is 26 AL born April 1874, John Harvey 8 TX born March 1892, Lee Edgar 6 TX born January 17, 1894, Artie Newton 4 TX born September 27, 1895, Claude Guy 2 TX born July 8, 1997, James Rufus 5 months TX born December 21, 1899.



He is still around and is now 59 AL born March 1841, he is still around with a second wife Mary Ann Warden 38 TN with William Anson 27 TN born June 4, 1873, Ida 13 TX born September 1886, Tina L. 10 TX born May 1890, George Washington 8 TX born February 23, 1892, Pearl 5 TX born December 1894 and Ulysses 2 TX born June 9, 1897.


WESLEY B. PUTMAN  Navarro County

Anson and Hester's son is now 48 AL born July 1851. He has a new wife, Sarah Ann Chatman 52 TX born January 1848 and William Wesley 14 TX born June 17, 1885 and Kirksley Newton 10 TX born April 20, 1890. His first wife Manerva Harden had died back in 1892. He married Sarah here on February 1, 1884.


WILLIAM H. PUTMAN  Navarro County

Charles Anderson and Susan's son has now married. He is 32 TN born May 1868 and his wife Lou Ellen McCullough is 23 AL born April 1877. They have Charles Anderson 3 born October 10, 1896 and William Clary 2 born May 27, 1898.


ZELIA PUTNAM  Orange County

She is 29 MS and the daughter of Benjamin Wade. Her son Benjamin 4 TX is with her. She will move with her dad to Harris County in 1910 and will be remarried by 1920. She was married to Edgar Scott Putman from New York. He has gone back to Schenectady, NY and will remain there in the real estate business. He is a son of Albert Putman and Sarah Thompson from Rome, Oneida County NY. A Dutch family from NY.


D. S. (DANIEL STEPHEN) PUTNAM  Mineral Wells, Palo Pinto County

He is 21 MO NY IL living with T. J. Foster in Mineral Wells. He is a clerk in a drug store. He is a son of Albert E. Putnam and Missouri Belle Daughty. He was at home in DeKalb County Missouri in 1880. Albert was a son of Daniel Porter Putnam (2142) from Willsboro, Essex County New York and Vermont before that. He will be in the Navy stationed in the Philippines in 1910. He will be a druggist in San Francisco in 1920, still single, and will be married to Edna Benson in Portland Oregon in 1930.


CHARLES W. PUTMAN  Parker County

He is 31 born January 1869 GA, Laura Caruthers, his wife, is 28 October 1871 TX, Mary 7 TX. They were married here September 15, 1891. He is a son of James G. Putman from Greene County Missouri. His mother Margaret (listed as Martha) is listed later as are his brothers, Fred and Frank. They will be divorced or something by 1910. Laura is still here but living with her mother. Charles is in Tulsa County Oklahoma in 1910 and remarried to a Lizzie in Haskell County Oklahoma by 1920.


ELIJAH PUTMAN  Parker County

He is 43 born October 1856 AL and his wife Mary Ann ‘Mollie’ Self is 39 TX, Mark 20 TX (born January 21, 1880) and Addie 15 TX (born February 1884). He is a son of William and Martha Putman and was born in DeKalb County Alabama. William was a son of Ezekiel Putnam of Georgia and Alabama. There is a marriage record of an Elijah marring Mollie Self in Johnson County Texas on April 24, 1879. They are here in 1910 and then Elijah will die here on November 18, 1910. In 1920 and 1930 Mollie will be widowed and living with her then married daughter Addie in Fort Worth. She will die in Dallas on August 27, 1935.



He is 27 GA born April 27, 1873 and his wife Eva is 24 TX born January 1875. He is another son of James G. and Margaret Putman from Greene County Missouri in 1880. He and his brother Fred (in Johnson County now) will be in Los Angeles, California in 1920.


JOSEPH M. PUTMAN  Parker County

He was with his folks, John Augustus and Elizabeth Putman, here in 1880 and is now 29 AR born June 1870, his wife Manna Sanford is 22 AR born December 1877 and they have James 2 TX born May 1897. They will be in Quay County New Mexico in 1910 and 1920.


MARTHA J. PUTMAN  Parker County

She is Margaret Thurman the widow of James G. Putman from Greene County Missouri. She is 50 MO (should be TN) born March 1849 and although the whole gang is around, only Albert Anthony 20 MO born May 23, 1880, Kittie 15 MO born January 1884 and Jessie, a daughter, 11 MO born July 1888 are at home. Albert will be in Garvin County Oklahoma in 1920.


FRANK PUTMAN  Red River County

He is a son of George W. Putman and Susan Sarah Harmon from Oregon County Missouri. He is 21 MO born February 1879 and his wife Sarah is 18 MO. They have a 1 year old daughter Purlie born back in Missouri in February 1899.


NELSON PUTMAN  Rockwall County

He is 55 AL born in June 1844, Mary is 48 TN born August 1851, Gus H. is 17 TN born March 1883, George 14 TN born November 1885, Sallie 12 TN born January 1888 and there is a grand daughter Bessey 8 TN born July 1891. His name is probably Wilson and not Nelson, but even then I cannot tie him in anywhere.



Still in the County he is 59 GA born August 1840. His wife Mary Pitner has died and only Osborne 21 TX born March 1879 and Luella 17 TX born December 1882 are at home.



He is a son of John O. and Mary Putman and is now 32 TX born April 1868. He is alone. He will be here forever and never married.


MINNIE PUTMAN  Shackelford County

She is 13 AR born August 1886 boarding with Peter Williams. Must be connected to Reuben's sons John and William who were here in 1880


GEORGE PUTMAN  Somervell County

He is 19 AL born November 4, 1881 living with his grandfather Joseph Sandlin. His folks are George Washington Putman and Dicy Sandlin of Blount County Alabama. I believe both of them have died.


NANNIE PUTMAN  Fort Worth, Tarrant County

She is Nancy Jane Neal, the widow of Joe Worth Putman, 43 TN, born December 1856 with these children all born in Tennessee: Stella March 1884, Alonzo N. January 1886, Herbert E.  August 1887 and Josie June 1891. Her brother Wylie E. Neal age 30 is with them. Joe seems to have died in the mid 1890s. He was a newspaperman. She will be here through the 1930 census, and will die in 1932.



He is in Fort Worth. He is 32 WI, Mattie Bell Renfro 28 TN, John 4 TX and Leila 2 TX. He is a son of Charles Henry and Maria (Holly) Putnam who were here in 1880. His dad was born in Canada. Eugene was born June 8, 1867 in Broadhead, Green County Wisconsin. He married Martha 'Mattie' Belle Renfro here in Fort Worth on October 24, 1894. They will be here in 1910 and 1920 and Martha is widowed in the 1930.



He is a son of John B. and Rosanna Putman from Jackson County Alabama. He is 45 AL born in February 1855 and was married to Margaret Flanagan who died here October 15, 1899. At any rate, his children are Beatrice 21 AL born in May 1879, Bertha 17 TX born April 1883, Myrtle 14 TX born April 1886, Lillie 11 TX born April 1889 and Viola 5 TX born February 1895.


JOHN J. (JACOB) PUTMAN  Tarrant County

He is 27 WI. With him are his mother Julia Moore Putman 54 VT, brother William C. 23 TX and sister Worthie 17 TX. They live in Ft. Worth. His father was John J. Putman born in Ross County Ohio in 1836. They were here in 1880 and dad has died February 3, 1896. This family is German from Hampshire County Virginia.


MARIA H. PUTNAM  Tarrant County

She is Maria Adeline Holly, the widow of Charles Henry Putnam from Canada. They were here in 1880. She is 60 NY, Charles Henry Jr. 20 TX. Also there are her daughter Kate Gross 28 WI, her husband Charles H. Gross 24 KS, Nellie 4 KS, Howard 3 KS and Chester 1 KS. She will be here with her son, Charles Jr. through the 1920 census. Her other son, Eugene, is here in Fort Worth with his family.


PERRY PUTMAN  Tarrant County

He is Richard Perry Putman 28 AL born November 1871 and his mother is with him. She is Elizabeth Williamson Putman 62 AL born in May 1838. Elizabeth was the widow of Morris Putman Junior who came to Tarrant County from Jackson County Alabama in the mid 1870s and died here in 1899.


WALTER S. (SCOTT) PUTMAN  Arlington, Tarrant County

He is a son of Flemming Putman, 42 TN AL AL born August 1857. He originally married L. C. Jackson April 12, 1877 and was with her and the first two children in Franklin County Tennessee in 1880. She is now listed as Palestine 38 TN and they have been married 24 years. Same gal. They have all 3 of their kids with them. Victoria 22 TN born August 1877, Rufus 20 TN born July 1879 and Oliver 13 born April 1887. He is a blacksmith as is his son Rufus. In fact his dad and grandfather were also blacksmiths.



This whole bunch are the children of John B. and Frances Putman from Jackson County Alabama. They are all living together without their folks who died in 1898. William M. is 35 born July 1865, Sallie 32 born January 1868, Fred 30 born April 1870, Robert D. 26 born April 1874 and Louanna 22 born November 1878. All were born in Alabama. Another brother, Joe B. Putman and his family live nearby (see earlier listing). They are all here in Fort Worth through the 1930.


ROGER & CARLOS PUTMAN  Austin, Travis County

Roger is 6 TX GA GERMANY born Jan 1894, his brother Carlos is 5 TX GA GERM born April 25, 1895. They are listed as borders with John Singleton 39 TN TN AR and his wife Martha 34 AR IN IN. They will be listed here in 1910 and 1920 listed as stepchildren of George Hissner and both times with Martha as the wife. They are sons of the following Thomas Putnam and his wife Jeanette Rosenthaler who has died in the last year or so. She was actually from Switzerland not Germany.


THOMAS PUTNAM  Austin, Travis County

He is 37 OH ENG ENG widowed and living alone. He looks to be the son of Isaiah and Eliza Putnam from England. They were in Richland County Ohio in 1860. Thomas was born in 1863 and I don’t find them in 1870 so can’t prove anything. But they were the only English couple in Ohio at the time. He married Jeanette Rosenthaller from Switzerland around 1893 and had Roger and Carl and then she died. Tom is single here through 1920 and will die in Austin July 24, 1922.



He is 25 CA NOVA SCOT NOVA SCOT single and a boarder in Austin. He is a teacher. He is a son of Thomas Crowe Putnam and Maria Rutherford originally from Nova Scotia, and was born in Sonoma County California. He will be married in Berkley California in 1910 and 1920. His folks are from Nova Scotia. His dad was a son of Timothy Putnam and Ruth Dunlap from there and from Danvers Massachusetts before that. Thomas is a math instructor at the University of California.


LEE PUTNAM  Tyler County

He is 23 TX and a son in law of Robert C. Malone. His wife Ada Malone 22 TX is with him. He is Larkin Leroy Putman a son of John Putman and Sarah McCausland and was just born in Shakleford County in 1879. He will be married to a Bertha by 1910 and be in Dallas and will be there until he dies June 20, 1951.



He is 24 TX boarding with Theodore Brockman. He is a son of John Washington Putman from Llano County. He was born February 14, 1876 in Coryell County. He married Mary Corrine Allsup on March 4, 1896. He was shot by a Texas Ranger on December 6, 1906 in Del Rio, Texas. It seems he was a sheep rustler. His picture is in a book titled, Album of Gunfighters. Mary will be back with her folks in Concho County in the 1910.


JOEL A. PUTMAN  Wichita County

Joel is 38 AR born August 1861. His wife Mary S. is 28 AR born July 1871. He is a son of Josiah Putman and Rhoda Turrentine and came from Howard County Arkansas.


JOHN PUTMAN  Williamson County

He is 30 TX (actually MS), Jonnie 31 TX, Eula 6 TX, Jewel 4 TX, Merthe (a daughter probably Martha) 1 TX. In 1910, he is in Travis County and lists his birthplace as MS. He is indeed from MS. He is John Owen Putman, a son of William Jeremiah Putman from Scott County Mississippi. His wife is Jonnie Arabella Hudson. They are in Travis County in 1910 and Jonnie is widowed there in 1920 and 1930 and then in Williamson County in 1940.


JOHN W. (WARREN) PUTNAM  Alvord, Wise County

He is 68 NY, the father in law of Riley Wagonseller, who is married to his daughter Rosa 36 IN. His wife Mary Rogers is 65 PA is there too. They were in Indiana in 1860 and 1870 and Archer County Texas in 1880. He will be in Montague County in 1910, as will his son Willard Putnam. In 1910 he is still with Rosa, but she has remarried by then. He is a son of Norman Putnam and his first wife Sally Shepard from Ontario County New York.



He is John Forney Putman, a son of John Howard Putman and Cerina Adkins from Benton County Alabama, and a grandson of Simeon and Sarah Putman. He is 37 AL born October 1862. His wife Nancy Maria Cox is 34 AL. Kids are James Fletcher 17 AL born July 1882, Luther L. 16 AL born February 1884, Sarah E. 14 AL born December 1885, Howard M. 12 AL born July 1887, John F. Jr. 11 AL born January 14, 1889, Bertha D. 5 TX born September 1894, Tempie R. 3 TX born April 1897 and Dolly M. 1 TX born April 1899.



Abe is now 73 GA, born March 1827 and Mary Ann Brooke is 72 born in July 1827. No kids at home any more.


M. (MAUD) M. PUTMAN  Young County

She is Maud Kedney, widow of Elias Putman (son of Abraham Pinckney Putman). She is 28 IA born March 1872, Jesse is 11 TX born November 1888, Lloyd 6 TX born March 1894 and Reuben Orlis 2 TX born February 1898. Elias died in 1898.



Abe's son is still in the county. He is now 49 GA born August 1850. His wife Lucy Caroline McKnight is listed 50 TN born September 1849 (This is wrong she is actually 65 as you will see in 1910 and 1920). Children are Mary E. 25 AL born September 1874 and Ira 24 TX born May 1876 and are still at home.