After the Civil War, some of our folk began drifting in from the east and south.
In the 1870s and 1880s, several of our folks moved in and out of the state and simply were not around at Census taking times. By 1900, a few of these folks stuck around.
Several sons of Green Marion Putman, Franklin and Homer, moved from Freemont County, Iowa to Cheyenne County, Nebraska in the early 1890s. They are grandsons of Elijah.
Two sons of Daniel Thomas Putman came from Davis County, Iowa. Virgil to Box Butte County and Horace to Dixon County. Again they are grandchildren of Elijah Putman.
John Marion Putman's son John Harrison came to Hayes County in the late 1890s. Also several of the folks from Brown County, Illinois came in the 1890s.
And, of course, lots of other branches of the various Putnam and Putman families wandered in from all over the place.